.....about the WineMaker

Pasquale (Pat) Del-Gatto was a fourth generation winemaker, hailing from Santa Croce, a small town of about 4000 in southern Italy, approximately 75km north of Napoli. Pat's great-grandfather was the town's winemaker. All the townspeople would bring in their grapes to be processed and made into wine. Since most were farmers with very little money, 10% of the wine yield was retained as payment. In the evenings, 'La Cantina' was open to the men to come and play cards, enjoy some cheese, various cured meats, and wine.
Old world winemaking skills and secrets were handed down to Pat's grandfather and then to his father. Eager to continue the family traditions, Pat spent years researching potential vineyard locations in British Columbia, California and the Niagara region. Drawn to the latitude and longitude of Prince Edward County in comparison to other European wine regions, he toured various available properties and settled on this 74 acre parcel in beautiful North Marysburgh. Reinforced by the positive stories of farming history from local farmers, Pat knew he had a special piece of land.
Since the first plantings in 2002, Del-Gatto Estates has evolved into a grower of cool-climate grape varieties. The disease resistant and cold hardy vineyard produces small case lots of exclusive, premium quality white, rosē and red wines. Aged ports continue to be a sold out item, as are the full bodied Baco Noir and Leon Millot.
Pat's wine making philosophy was intuitive, thoughtful and rich with the history of his family. The result is a wine with character; memorable and distinctly Italian. His Nonno [Grandfather] would be proud. A vineyard tour – is like visiting Mama's kitchen – and will leave you with a greater understanding and appreciation for the wine you are enjoying.
In September 2022, after a short but courageous fight against complications following a stem-cell transplant,
Pat passed away; leaving behind a family that completely adored him and many, many friends and peers that respected him and enjoyed his company. We hope that you enjoy these final vintages Pat created.
--Dal vig neto cresce ilnostro amore per il vino.
[From the vineyard grows our love for wine.]
To honour our beloved winemaker, husband, father, son, friend.... we have created the Pasquale Del-Gatto Bursary with Brock University for a 1st year student in financial need enrolling in the CCOVI graduate program.